Friday, April 15, 2011

What foods should a teen limit or avoid?

Foods Teens Should Avoid

The average teen these days is surrounded by way too many fast foods and junk foods to always make the right choice. So many of the foods we love these days are just full of saturated fats. Foods that are high in saturated fat are one of the main things to be avoided, not just by teens, but by everyone.
Saturated fats should be avoided as much as possible. Saturated fats have been directly related to LDL, or bad cholesterol, and the increase of heart disease risk. Tons of other health related risks have been related to saturated fat such as raising the risk of diabetes, cancer, ovarian disorders, and other health problems. And it is estimated that teens consume on average about 12% of their daily consumed calories from saturated fat. The advisory committee for the 2005 dietary guidelines for americans recommended a maximum of 10%.
Saturated fat is an ingredient that you should avoid, but now lets name some of the top unhealthy foods that you should definitely try to avoid, as much as you can.
#1: This surprises most people because coconut is a nut, and most nuts are healthy, but coconuts have even more saturated fat then butter.

#2: Not surprisingly, Soft drinks, and soda drinks are high in sugar, which can lead to tooth decay, Osteoporosis, and eventually heart disease.

#3: French fries are one of the worst foods you can eat. They are often double fried, which means they are fried twice. Even worse is what they are fried in. French fries are fried in a combination of oils and fats and hydrogenated vegetable oils, which can produce lots of bad cholesterol or LDL.

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